Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February 8 2012

Design of Design Chp 7

pg 89 Chp 7- Telecollaboration quote from Marshall Mcluhan "The new electronic interdependance recreates the world in the image of a global village"

90 - Discussion of why design teams use Telecollaboration, because of specialization most of the time they aren't experts collocated, also because people prefer different areas to live, continuous work around the clock with different time-zones, and outsourcing certain jobs requires telecommunications.

91- Design teams also use telecollaboration when politics become involved with govt projects many times different parts are built in different parts of the country or world and they need to collaborate such as Airbus 380 project.

92- Discussion of when he was project manager for IBM System/360 and it was developed in four different locations and then even further into other countries, and talks about using the transatlantic phone line and buying a lot of airline tickets.

93- Continues with his experience at IBM and their techniques for collaboration. Then he discusses how to make telecollaboration work, but ultimately you will need to have face to face time.

94- He continues discussing how face time is important and gives example of what they did at IBM and what Boeing did for the beginning of the 777 design. He discusses defining Clean Interfaces and how it can keep errors down in design.

95- Technologies for Telecollaboration and they discuss just the basic document  ,word document, for collaboration and that although technology is getting better and better it will probably never suffice for face time.

96-The telephone, and shared document are discussed separately and together as form of telecollaboaration and it is powerful and gives an example where a co-worker used them over videoconferencing.

97- Videoconferencing  is the subject of this page and he talks about its limits field of view, needs better document sharing, more resolution, and better depth. He then discusses  how it is useful to screen job applicants, when it is vital  to one or more participants, when one participant is insecure or to cross cultural bounds.

98- He briefly discusses high tech telecollaboration, moves on to discuss telecollaboration as a whole and what a search on the web turned up and why he is concerned the results, it concludes with notes and references.

This agreement focuses obviously on the counterfeiting of almost any kind of proprietary information in almost anyway. Its creating a international agreement between many different countries and stopping any thing that breaks the rules of this agreement from coming into each particular country.  It would have to create some sort of organization to mitigate the details of this agreement on an international level. I think that the agreement is not detailed enough about how the agreement may be broken. I also think it leaves alot of room for each country to make its own details about the laws of the counterfeiting and how to enforce and punish the ones who break the law. It discusses about goods coming into different countries as a major problem then getting re-distributed, without having the proper copyrights on them.

There are a number of different scenarios where there could be infringements on this agreement.
It says that roleplaying from a cinematographic work can be under the counterfeiting of intellectual property, and I do not know where the line can be drawn from this. Is that school plays? that dont have permission from the company withholding the rights. Article 27,7-b , "or make available to the public copies of works, performances, or phonograms, knowing that electronic rights management information has been removed or altered without authority. "

Or the distribution of any intellectual property includes over the web, but it doesn't say to what extent the agreement goes just using the title of something or actually showing clips from movies or songs. Playing songs at certain events that a dj would be at. Does he have to require permission from the artist to play his songs regularly. Article 27 paragraph 5, and 7-b "restrict acts in respect of, their works, performances, and phonograms, which are not authorized by the authors, the performers or the producers of phonograms

What if a choir or singers group from a church or school or any other organization singing an artists songs and they make a cd to sell to fundraise for a trip to be in a competition or anything along those lines it could be infringement. Article 27 paragraph 5, and 7-b "restrict acts in respect of, their works, performances, and phonograms, which are not authorized by the authors, the performers or the producers of phonograms

Anderson Center
On March 13 during the Vol Court entrepreneurial  workshop they will have a pitch competition at the end of the series for a cash prize of 1000 and 2nd gets 500. The workshops have different entrepreneurial companies come in and talk about starting up a company and students get a chance to question them.

Also, there is an undergraduate business plan competition. ACEI competition and Boyd venture fund plan competition. Both are for plans for businesses. Boyd competition offers up to $20,000 in rewards to get grants for already established student businesses but doesn't give details. ACEI offers 1st-5000, 2nd-3000, and 3rd 2000 for two groups technology and lifestyle so a total of 6 teams get rewards.

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