Sunday, February 19, 2012

Feb 20 2012

Design of Design chp 11-12

127 - Chapter 11: Constraints are friends, James Taylors song is quoted.
128 - Discussion of how constraints can help or hinder the design process. He gives examples of this.
129 - Shows the four different types of constraints, misperceived dot puzzle constraint.
130 - Further discussion of misperceived constraints, and gives examples and a diagram of triple modular redundant processor.
131 - He further discusses the constraint issues of the IBM project and the project they built the FAA system.
132 - Focus is on what you need not how it is achieved, diagram of the delivered 9020 FAA system
133 - Focuses on narrowing the design space, and gives general purpose design discussion.
134 - Designing of special purpose architecture and excellent general purpose architecture are discussed, and how the prototypes have to be tested by actual users.
135 - Discusses how the same paradox applies in software where it is much simpler to design special purpose intead of just a beautifully balance general-purpose design, also related to spatial design.
136 - Notes and references with an answer to the dot puzzle
137 - Blank
138 - Photo of Monticello
139 - Chapter 12: Esthetics and Style in Technical Design with quotes from Vitruvius and Chesterfield
140 - Gives history of esthetics in technical design and how they play into modern day.
141 - Discussion of parsimony with some examples how it can be so powerful with some little extra complexities added. Examples Van der Poel's single operation machine and the APL programming language as examples.
142 - Being straightforward is crucial with redundancy and comprehensibility, and consistency are both important.
143 - Consistency flow three major design principles: orthogonality, propriety , and generality. Orthogonality, and propriety are discussed in more detail.
144 - Discussion of generality and how it gives some freedom.
145 - Discussion of styles and how they are related to consistencies and how they are related to people.
146 - Definitions of style are discussed and that style deals with details of the design example micro-decisions. 
147 - Even further discussion of style, and he gives his definition of style.
148 - Gives the properties of style and then specifications, in hierarchal, and costly. Leading to how styles evolve. 
149 - A styles micro-decisions needs to be documented especially in a team design process.
150 - Guide to style, making conscious judgements etc.. then notes and references
151 - Notes and references

01 shark-inspired 

His design is cool, but I was more interested in how he talked about pulling inspiration from all the things around him and in nature.

02  foot tank
03 chariot

I thought the chariot was a pretty cool design, It kinda weirded me out how natural the legs looked in motion.

04 little bits

I think these are pretty cool little designs I think it would be great for kids and in classrooms.05 knit

06 3D printing
07 beat
08 rhetorical

I like his models not necessarily all his inspiration for them but he has great ideas of implementing the working model.09 chimes
10 elmo

11  closed caption cloud
12 custom furniture
13 laser cutter
14 shark

Haha this is great, more impressed with the idea instead of the actual implementation. Pretty cool to watch.15 solid model
This is awesome most impressive for me, and I like how he unites the two.

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