Monday, February 27, 2012

Feb 27 2012

Design of Design chp 13-14 
153- Exemplars in Design quote from Hillier and Penn
154- Discussion of common  designs and what makes an exemplar design
155- Exemplar designs in software and computer architecture are discussed
156- Discussion of study of past examples for software and Os's and how to study exemplars
157- He walks us through the study of exemplars and computer architecture at its beginnings.
158- He continues showing exemplars in computer design with IBM examples and third gen computers.
159- Further discussion of the computer revolution from all the technological advancements and how companies missed them being fat dumb and happy.
160- Discussion of how designers can push beyond their own experience using collections of exemplars and going beyond that collection.
161- Begins to relate the discussion of computer architecture just covered to software design.
162- Discussion of obstacles a designer will have to overcome, such as copying the design, or confining ones design, and to how a designer can utilize the other designer work.
163- He discusses how laziness, originality, and pride all play a role in design, and how they pertain to the designer.
164- Notes and ref
165- Notes and ref
166- The tacoma bridge after its collapse from harmonics
167- How expert designers go wrong, quotes from Cromwell and Guardia.
168- He discusses mistakes, how the amateur makes a lot the professional wouldn't but when the professional does mess up its in a big way.
169- He gives his example of how he messed up the the JCL for IBM OS 360, and what JCL was.
170- He further discusses JCL what was wrong with it and compared it to other languages.
171- Further discusses whats wrong with JCL no iteration, no branching, etc...
172- Then he explains how in designing JCL all these inherent flaws happened starting at the very beginning with the idea of how many cards the user will use, and it just grew from there.
173- How they just packed so many different things into JCL lead to its demise, and what they learned form this experience and what to take away from it are given in his "lessons learned"

New technologies on my copy that I added for our group and others

New way to make lithium batteries last longer and charge faster. Can be used for our group using a batter to power our device or any group using a battery if this technology can be scaled to the hybrid car or solar porta potty with a faster charge can help on days when its not sunny all day.

Same purpose as the one above except its a new fuel cell using hydrogen by apple.

Fultons new way to wirelessly power devices, could be something our group may be able to use.

New solar cell the porta potty group could use to make their panels more efficient.

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