Monday, February 13, 2012

2/13/2012 Technologies &105-125

Design of Design pg 105-125
105- Chp 8 Rationalism versus Empiricism in design- 2 quotes first from John Locke stating that all men are liable to error and that most are in temptation to it. 2nd From Rene Descartes talks about our understanding and what it relies on.

106- Discusses the meaning of Rationalism and Empiricism and how the designer is in believed to be flawed with error or can make a sound design without flaw. Gives examples of people who stood for one view or the other.

107-  First discusses rationalism and empiricism applied to software design, and then discusses his own experience and why he believes in empiricism and gives account of programming he did in grad school at harvard could support rationalism.

108- Discussion of how mathematical theories have been disprove and how that supports empiricism, and discusses Harlan Mills clean room technique with systematic test for correctness.

109- Discusses not only software but the design of the constitution, buildings, hardware, and now how many designs are scrutinized by empirical analyses to fulfill the desiderata, and ultimately you can not design a complex object with thought alone.

110- Notes and References

111- Notes and References

112- Picture of an Architecture team from Anderson Ross/Getty images Inc

113-Quote from Sir Francis Bacon-"Truth will sooner come out of error than from confusion"

114- Discussion of experienced designers defining who the user is and how it will be used, although not everyone will write it down all people have a user and use model, and teams do not always have the same models.

115- Further discussion of how members of a team can have different assumptions about the user and use models. He also talks about how the designer is confronted when he starts to make use models and gives an example.

116- The troubles that arise when designer start creating use models, and once he reaches where his questions cannot be answered he must guess but it needs to be articulated. He also discusses the benefits from guessing.

117- Brooks discusses that the designer will have use and user models whether realizing it or not most of the time, he will design as if he is the user even though he will not be, and explains why wrong user models are better than vague ones. Notes and references begins

118- picture of apollo space rocket

119-Chp 10 Inches, Ounces, Bits, Dollars- The Budgeted Resource, quote from the book one must name the scarce resource to have conceptual integrity.

120- Talks about what is the budgeted resource and what is perceived to be the budgeted resource, not always monetary, and examples are given.

121- Talks about the benefits and problems of a designer using surrogates for their design, and how the resource can change giving a example of chip designs where I/O pins  became the budgeted resource over chip areas.

122- Discussion of Eoin Woods quote how people often measure the value delivered and what it takes to deliver it. Brooks gives his own experience with budgeted resource changing on O/S 360 from memory bytes to disk space.

123- Further discussion of what the budgeted resource may be and other aspects that go into design but are not part of the design such as skill allocation. He states the whole team needs to know the budget for the critical resource, consistently through out the process, and only one person needs to control the budgeting of the resource.

124- Ken Iverson winner of the Turing Award  is discussed for keeping conceptual integrity of above all else as priority creating the APL language and winning the reward. Marissa Meyer uses the same qualities at Google guarding it look and feel.

125- Notes and References


Airless tires-
Obviously airless tires would be a break through not more worrying about flat tires would be awesome. Also, the fact that the military can use them to support their huge vehicles is awesome.

A hologram -
its a hologram in a sense, Its not what you automatically think of but they are definitely on the track to making one you would see in a Star Wars. Its pretty neat and the fact you would be able to feel it is something I hadn't heard of before.

Microsofts Surface Computer-
Ok so at first it looks like a huge ipad but microsoft is actually on to something here it utilizes wireless technology, and also a set of infrared cameras to see what is sitting on the surface and allows you to manipulate those objects using the surface computer its pretty neat but doesn't get to the good stuff till toward the end.

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