Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Wednesday February 1st

New York Times Article
The article discusses the many different reasons as to why Apple in particular has moved so much of their manufacturing process overseas. It goes in depth as to why so many of the jobs that used to be in America Apple has now moved to China. Showing that the US workforce doesn't have people with the proper skill set and background to do the job. For instance that most Americans are either high-school diploma or bachelor's degree, but what Apple is searching for is in between, and on top of that the flexibility of the plants in China is way more beneficial to the company that needs their product to be reproduced. The article also pays some tribute to an engineer that use to work for Apple and then got laid off and the process of the engineers being replaced with robots or their jobs being outsourced and his personal job search from teacher to technician and ultimately back to nothing because it wasn't worth it. The article takes in perspectives of economists prediction of the American workforce and what it would take to bring those jobs back over here. It gives example to how amazing the Foxconn plant in China is from testimonies of anonymous Apple employees as to how quick they can have people working how many they can having working and even if they need to hire a certain amount, all in comparison to how much faster they can do it in China compared to US. The article explores how the company also created jobs in the US and how they have benefited the entire global community. It's just not near as profitable for apple to manufacture their products in the US. The article also covers Mr. Jobs and Mr. Obama very short conversation at a dinner when Jobs was speaking and Obama asked what it would take to bring the iphone back to the US to be produced.

Brooks youtube video

Francis Bacon says that new ideas are will happen when the transfer from observations of one art are uses for another art. Can the older design systems that have been theorized be learned from these and help us in the new design process. Bruneleschi had a support team but was one mind in the design. Our problems that are different from the old design is that now it is a team. The critical budget isn't always monetary it could be time or bandwidth or it could be cost. He discusses the design of his house and kept a detailed log and has been putting it into electronic form and is trying to show the design trees. It shows the differences of a simpleminded model and how it actually works. He also discusses that usually in the design process you do not know what you are trying to build or at times you can not know what you are trying to design. He also discusses his experience with designing a software system to organize a man's thousands of drawings to make his point. Many times you cannot have a separation of design process from the requirements process.

Francis Bacon- as relates to our class was a author and pioneer of scientific method, he created some principals for methodology that still hold true today. He developed methods for investigating all things natural which set up the basics for different methodologies.

Brunelleschi- An italian architect and engineer in the renaissance developed linear perspective, designed duomo of Florence. He also had one of the first modern patents, he created theatrical machinery to work out the plays for churches for Bible stories.

Christopher Wren- A renowned architect in the late 1600's- 1700's responsibility of rebuilding many churches in Englad due to the fire of  1666, he studied at oxford was a geometer, physicist, and architect.
His scientific studies of moon lead to the micrometer for telescopes. He was the first to succeed at injecting something into the blood stream. He also studied, agriculture, ballistics, the planets and their orbits, water and freezings.

Herbert Simon- Was a  economist, American political scientist, sociologist, psychologist, and professor. His works have contributed to him being a founding father of artificial intelligence, information processing, decision-making, problem-solving, and computer simulation of scientific discovery. Created logic theory machine, and information-processing language.

Desiderata- In lating means desired things, so for design process it could be your desired goals for your design.

Paper protoypes-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppnRQD06ggY
Is a software paper prototype that shows the user clicking and then swapping out the section of the paper to go to the next step of the software hands are doing the work of the software by changing the user interface. All done on front of a computer monitor

Hanmail Paper prototyping- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrV2SZuRPv0
Paper prototype is just on a table laid out with sections that become unfolded and extend and also has it where sections are replaced by whole different other sections to replicate running the software when it is clicked.

This prototype is for a program to run on your cell phone to find your friends. To do this they replace the entire outline of the prototype with every step they take into the program instead of having moving sections or replacing specific sections.

This is another prototype for a application on our phone but to accomplish their prototype the have a cutout of their phone and  the software simulation is scrolled along to change the different steps they go through to run the program.

My paper prototype was not very good compared to these videos I used mine more as a presentation to lead into my technology I was doing it on. My technology was elastic conductors made from carbon nanotubes which could have been a variety of things, such as stretchable electronics, bendable displays, smart fabric with antennas built in such as scuba gear to send out a gps signal, and also to create the sense of touch for robots with a fabric as its skin. My prototype I decided to do a bendable display much like that of the roll up laptop that was shown in front of the class I also tried to build a tripod, and was gonna say bendable displays could be made compact enough to carry that you could present anywhere without a projector and you could just set up your display and do your presentation. However, I got my tripod built but to get the screen to stay on the tripod after it has been rolled up was difficult, but I told my classmates my idea.

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