Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April 4

Design of Design 19-20
231-Great designs come from great designers not from great processes, quotes from Paulk and Jobs
232-Discussion of which way is the best to create a revolutionary design.
233-He discusses why it is hard to come up with a truly great and innovative design in the corporate design process
234-Further continuation of how the corporate product process is a bad way to design for innovative designs, also using a personal experience of IBM system 360
235- Gives some exceptions to the corporate product process that have been successful , and discuss further the product process and the four effects following a truly innovative design
236- Discussion of follow-on products is continued and how the product process doesn't allow designers to get better.
237- Answer given to the question isn't process needed even for innovative design, and how to balance process to where you get the best of both worlds.
238- Further explanation of how to use process as a benefit by having a good leader to put their people in the correct position and to set up the right environment for good design.
239-Further continuation of how to bring out the best in designers, and to intrust your chief designer with your design
240-notes and references
242- John Cocke
243-chp 20-Where do great designers come from? quotes from Fuller and Gibbon
244- The reality of great designs now don't come from one single designer so we say the central people the designs revolve around and talks about how engineers should be taught by critiqued practice.
245-Brooks agrees with the idea that engineers should be able to have critiqued practice and explains why compared to formal education.
246- Discusses recruiting brilliant designer and how to create brilliant designers
247-Discussion of the dual ladder creating designers instead of managers, keeping designers up to date.
248- Education of designers continually is further discussed, he gives an IBM example, and explains how to bring up the young designers to be great.
249-Further talk of education throughout the career, then discussion of John Cocke story.
250-Further talk of Cocke and Gomory, and how to protect great designers from distraction meetings, calls, emails etc..
251- Talk of how to get rid of distractions such as quiet mornings to enhance flow, and protecting the great designer from mediocre or insecure managers.
252-Also, need to protect the designers from having to manage, and how to grow yourself as a designer.
253- Further how to grow yourself for great design by studying exemplars, doing sketches and studying others.
254- Self education project to design floor plan of 1000 ft  house, the program, and journal.
255-notes and references
256-notes and references

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