Monday, March 5, 2012


The Design of Design
184-Part of compendium chart Brooks used for house wing design
185-Representing Designs' Trajectories and Rationales quote from Wilkes
186-Introduction is about how he and his friend took his log from designing his new wing and documenting it.
187- Tells how to linearize knowledge and how it isn't really practical but uses a book as an example as to how to get it done, also showing the library's method and wikipedias'.
188-Brooks and his friend's attempt to create a design trajectory using a design tree, but failed. Then he dives into their process of studying the house design process.
189-Their experience finding the transcription scheme and why they struggled so much was because they didn't have a rigorous definition for their design tree
190- Discussion of each design node and how it is related to the others and sorting of different parts of design process.
191-Note of the house wing as design problems, and discussion of the errors encountered in designing the wing.
192- Discussion of design alternatives and how they are not easily realized, and how further discussion of how he changed the tree as the designs changed through the process.
193- Further discussion of how they changed the design tree as the design changed as the process continued, begins tree of decisions versus of designs.
194- Tree of designs is  larger, so large in fact it is not practical in design process, but the concept is important. Begins how modular design differs and are easily represented as design trees.
195- Discussion of software tools to analyze a design decision tree, Task architect.
196- Project Mang Tools PERT, IBIS fit very well and Compendium had lots of advantages.
197-Although compendium has advantages it cannot be recommended for design, and relates to CAD and gIBIS and how they are all too precise to have a creative flow.
198-Dred is discussed, brief history of why it was designed who designed it, and who uses it and how it works.
199- Finishes with further information of Dred and how it is useful, but is not available, Notes and Ref
200- Notes and Ref

Patent- US  7078666

This is exactly what we are attempting to do transmit power wirelessly and data back. However, they are using a light as the power source with photodetectors to convert it to current and charge whatever they will try to power and send it back using the same principle  Issued Jul18, 2006. This is a pretty neat idea its fulfills the same goal as our project but by light is pretty cool we thought about doing that but felt more comfortable with inductance and that we would be able to more power across using inductors.

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