Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Wednesday February 1st

New York Times Article
The article discusses the many different reasons as to why Apple in particular has moved so much of their manufacturing process overseas. It goes in depth as to why so many of the jobs that used to be in America Apple has now moved to China. Showing that the US workforce doesn't have people with the proper skill set and background to do the job. For instance that most Americans are either high-school diploma or bachelor's degree, but what Apple is searching for is in between, and on top of that the flexibility of the plants in China is way more beneficial to the company that needs their product to be reproduced. The article also pays some tribute to an engineer that use to work for Apple and then got laid off and the process of the engineers being replaced with robots or their jobs being outsourced and his personal job search from teacher to technician and ultimately back to nothing because it wasn't worth it. The article takes in perspectives of economists prediction of the American workforce and what it would take to bring those jobs back over here. It gives example to how amazing the Foxconn plant in China is from testimonies of anonymous Apple employees as to how quick they can have people working how many they can having working and even if they need to hire a certain amount, all in comparison to how much faster they can do it in China compared to US. The article explores how the company also created jobs in the US and how they have benefited the entire global community. It's just not near as profitable for apple to manufacture their products in the US. The article also covers Mr. Jobs and Mr. Obama very short conversation at a dinner when Jobs was speaking and Obama asked what it would take to bring the iphone back to the US to be produced.

Brooks youtube video

Francis Bacon says that new ideas are will happen when the transfer from observations of one art are uses for another art. Can the older design systems that have been theorized be learned from these and help us in the new design process. Bruneleschi had a support team but was one mind in the design. Our problems that are different from the old design is that now it is a team. The critical budget isn't always monetary it could be time or bandwidth or it could be cost. He discusses the design of his house and kept a detailed log and has been putting it into electronic form and is trying to show the design trees. It shows the differences of a simpleminded model and how it actually works. He also discusses that usually in the design process you do not know what you are trying to build or at times you can not know what you are trying to design. He also discusses his experience with designing a software system to organize a man's thousands of drawings to make his point. Many times you cannot have a separation of design process from the requirements process.

Francis Bacon- as relates to our class was a author and pioneer of scientific method, he created some principals for methodology that still hold true today. He developed methods for investigating all things natural which set up the basics for different methodologies.

Brunelleschi- An italian architect and engineer in the renaissance developed linear perspective, designed duomo of Florence. He also had one of the first modern patents, he created theatrical machinery to work out the plays for churches for Bible stories.

Christopher Wren- A renowned architect in the late 1600's- 1700's responsibility of rebuilding many churches in Englad due to the fire of  1666, he studied at oxford was a geometer, physicist, and architect.
His scientific studies of moon lead to the micrometer for telescopes. He was the first to succeed at injecting something into the blood stream. He also studied, agriculture, ballistics, the planets and their orbits, water and freezings.

Herbert Simon- Was a  economist, American political scientist, sociologist, psychologist, and professor. His works have contributed to him being a founding father of artificial intelligence, information processing, decision-making, problem-solving, and computer simulation of scientific discovery. Created logic theory machine, and information-processing language.

Desiderata- In lating means desired things, so for design process it could be your desired goals for your design.

Paper protoypes-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppnRQD06ggY
Is a software paper prototype that shows the user clicking and then swapping out the section of the paper to go to the next step of the software hands are doing the work of the software by changing the user interface. All done on front of a computer monitor

Hanmail Paper prototyping- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrV2SZuRPv0
Paper prototype is just on a table laid out with sections that become unfolded and extend and also has it where sections are replaced by whole different other sections to replicate running the software when it is clicked.

This prototype is for a program to run on your cell phone to find your friends. To do this they replace the entire outline of the prototype with every step they take into the program instead of having moving sections or replacing specific sections.

This is another prototype for a application on our phone but to accomplish their prototype the have a cutout of their phone and  the software simulation is scrolled along to change the different steps they go through to run the program.

My paper prototype was not very good compared to these videos I used mine more as a presentation to lead into my technology I was doing it on. My technology was elastic conductors made from carbon nanotubes which could have been a variety of things, such as stretchable electronics, bendable displays, smart fabric with antennas built in such as scuba gear to send out a gps signal, and also to create the sense of touch for robots with a fabric as its skin. My prototype I decided to do a bendable display much like that of the roll up laptop that was shown in front of the class I also tried to build a tripod, and was gonna say bendable displays could be made compact enough to carry that you could present anywhere without a projector and you could just set up your display and do your presentation. However, I got my tripod built but to get the screen to stay on the tripod after it has been rolled up was difficult, but I told my classmates my idea.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Design of Design chp 4-5
pg39-- Chp 4-Requirements, Sin, and Contracts. Quotes from Pahl and Beitz, and James Garcia.

40-- A Horror Story- Introduction to a design goal they had to meet with redesigning a helicopter to make it across the Atlantic carrying a certain amount of equipment.

41-- Further discussion of how often requirements are drawn up from a board that does not have skewed requirements for a design but seem so far fetched they may jeopardize other parts of the design to achieve their requirements.

42-- Talks about the designer have to deal with pressing factors such as time,  and a ever increasing number of layers of oversight to the project.

43-- Discusses the committees top-priority is at the very initial stages have project leaders who are well seasoned in the field to tailor the design requirements, and starts the discussion of Sin, and saying all the players in a project are honest and truthful and great in their fields.

44-- But although in a perfect world they would all be honest and truthful with great communication with everything done at fair prices for best available is wrong. Because people are greed lazy and prideful. Thus is why there is contracts.

45-- Gives ideas on what to consider for drawing up a contract.

46-- Wrapping up first the design-build process so the contractor can see what material is needed and how long it will take. Notes and References are listed.

47--Notes and References

48--Notes and References

49--Page intentionally left blank

50--Boehm's Spiral Model

51--Chp 5- What Are Better Design Process Models? and a quote from Nigel Cross and Kees Dorst

52-- By looking at the Waterfall Model in software engineering the author argues for the fact there will be a dominant model

53--Mahen, Poon, and Boulanger's Co-Evolution model is discussed. Model says that the understanding of the problem and the solution to the problem are both incrementally progressed to the final solution as the process moves forward.

54-- Further discusses the Co-Evolution model highlights the good points and what it is lacking ultimately ending with its not sufficient enough. Then the Raymond Bazaar model is introduced and that Linux was actually out of this model.

55-- How the bazaar model works and designer fixes a bug or creates something to meet a problem and it is freely given to the community to be integrated into the rest of the system. Strengths  for the model are offered that it normally it is superior design in quality and when offered to the community the bugs are soon found.

56-- Talks about what variables are in place for the Bazaar model to work. Touching on some more detailed aspects of why the Linux system works so well.

57--Boehms Spiral model of 1988 for building software is discussed and is ultimately supported to be embraced and developed with adding contracting points.

58-- Summary for his arguments on Design process models from chapter 2-5

Dr. Min Kao
Dr. Kao graduated from UT with both his doctorate and masters in electrical engineering he went on to start Garmin with Gary Burrell. Kao relates to this class in both the design process and starting his own company Kao led the engineering team that created the first GPS system and shortly after him and Mr. Burrell create ProNav then renamed to Garmin to sell their GPS system, which now has wide variety of different products pertaining to GPS.

ABET Design
Engineering design is the process of devising a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. It is a decision-making process (often iterative), in which the basic science and mathematics and engineering sciences are applied to convert resources optimally to meet a stated objective. Among the fundamental elements of the design process are the establishment of objectives and criteria, synthesis, analysis, construction, testing and evaluation. The engineering design component of a curriculum must include most of the following features: development of student creativity, use of open-ended problems, development and use of modern design theory and methodology, formulation of design problem statements and specification, consideration of alternative solutions, feasibility considerations, production processes, concurrent engineering design, and detailed system description. Further it is essential to include a variety of realistic constraints, such as economic factors, safety, reliability, aesthetics, ethics and social impact." 

Marshmallow design- We devised a component to meet the desired need of a free standing structure to lift the marshmallow in attempt to be the highest possible. We talked about ideas of the structures we could build and after deciding on one we all agreed would work we started building the parts to be put together such as using two strands of spaghetti on the lower 2/3 of the structure to be stronger. Then we put them together.We did use a iterative process to gradually build our tower higher and higher as we tested the strength at each step, and adding braces to the weaker parts so they would hold up properly. We did have a sketch of the structure but it wasn't very detailed, we lacked in that aspect, and we improvised as we got further in the design process and encountered problems building it higher and higher.

Paper clip- In the paper clip design of pencil holder I did use a iterative process to get it to work but I had no idea how to begin and the only specification was that the pencil could not be touching the ground at any point. I lacked in using any math, maybe used basic science of how a structure will hold up the pencil by its shape. However, my design really had no plan or method to it and I eventually just got it to work after reshaping the paper clip and using trial and error.

Set back lines-
For when there are none specified for a particular zone are a minimum of 20 feet for front yard 5 feet for the side and 15 feet for the back yard.

New Technology
1. House that is fully energy independent and actually creates excess maybe not a new and revolutionary technology but is extremely important model for our future to become less dependent on fossil fuels.


2. Recon instruments is a variety of different instruments working together your goggles will display speed and altitude and other attributes as your skiing or whatever you may be doing. Its pretty cool they are displaying them in your goggles. I can see a variety of different uses for this technology. Such as gaming or military operations. http://www.gizmag.com/recon-instruments-action-camera-goggles/21243/

3. Graphene the thinnest known material most conductive and strongest has many potential purposes.
Allows only one layer of water through.http://www.gizmag.com/recon-instruments-action-camera-goggles/21243/

4. Elastic conductors have multiple uses for touch sensitive robots, smart fabric or bendable displays can be made from carbon nano tubes. http://www.gizmag.com/elastic-conductors-carbon-nanotubes/21235/

5.  Human embryonic stem cell transplant improves vision. Was tested on legally blind people and helped improve their eye sight one could read 21 letter after could read 33 it could not only improve eyesight but also fight eye diseases. http://www.gizmag.com/retinal-stem-cell-transplant/21210/

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

new technologies!!!

Some cool technologies I found

Sixth sense technology from MIT-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUdDhWfpqxg
Gives you relevant information on whatever situation you may encounter with a variety of things to make the best decisions. Its multiple things incorporated in one to do a variety of things from drawing a circle on  your wrist and clock appears to taking a picture with a motion of your hands. etc.. really cool check it out.

Teleportation on a small scale but still impressive-http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/08/0818_040818_teleportation.html
They teleported particles of light or actually made a copy of them.

Its not an actual hologram but it does do 3d imaging and appears to be a hologram its pretty awesome Involves a spinning mirror.

Contacts to alert diabeticshttp://www.impactlab.net/2009/12/20/revolutionary-technology-color-changing-contacts-to-alert-diabetics/

The contacts change color when when blood sugar level changes to let the diabetic know.

Magnetic Soap-http://www.gizmag.com/magnetic-soap-oil-spills/21204/

Its pretty straight forward a magnetic soap that could be used to clean up oil spills.

Chip to measure blood sugar from saliva -http://www.gizmag.com/biochip-glucose-saliva-diabetics/21193/

Chip measures saliva so diabetics don't have to prick fingers.

Sunroof to light -http://www.gizmag.com/basf-philips-oled-roof-panels/21173/

An OLED panel that is transparent and when voltage is applied it emits light pretty awesome idea for cars our house.

Portable radar scanner for concealed weapons-http://www.gizmag.com/nypd-portable-gun-scanner/21147/

Would allow cops to scan suspects without have to pat them down or get too close to see if they are carrying a concealed weapon

Seaweed as renewable energy- http://www.gizmag.com/microbe-converts-seaweed-into-renewable-fuel/21168/

Bio Architecture Lab claims to have found out how to possibly use seaweed as a renewable energy source which would be huge.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

2nd post (DoD_ corporations etc..)

Design of Design
3.  Two quotes about design discussing mixing ideas from other fields
4.  Discusses the Bacon's quote from previous page and defines Design
5.  Describes three steps of design from idea to implementation to interaction
6.  Plato quote discussing many different implementations but one main idea and design concept
7.  Design concept of real System/360 and the most and seeing the design concept in aspects of the system
8.  Discusses value of the design concept as a real entity, with unity of concept as  a goal, which is found by communication
9.  Gives some brief references and notes on the actual of idea of different Design processes
10. Discusses various kinds of design system, artistic, routine, adaptive, etc..
11. References for the information in Chp 1
12.  Steps for design process made to look like it is written in code
13.  Chp 2 title: How Engineers Think of Design- The Rational Model
14. Engineer's Model of Design: Goal, Desiderata, Utility Function, Constraints, Resources are all discussed pertaining to Engineers
15. Continues discussing Resource allocations, budgets, and design tree for the model of design
16.  Different peoples ideas of the design process, step by step, search process, and seven step Waterfall process for writing software
17. Further discussion on Royce's seven step waterfall and discussion on design trees in computer architecture. Needs to be a systemization design process instead of lets just start building
18. Explains why the rational model is good, by keeping teams on track and brings them together, notes and references are listed for chp 2
19.  Page was intentionally left blank
20. Seven step waterfall process.
21. Chp 3: Whats wrong with this model and quote from Schon discussing complex design process
22. Starts the discussion of where the Rational model of Design is not realistic
23. Talks about we dont know the actual goal of the design process when we start and how hard it is to come up with what to design, tells about his experience with this problem. Further discussion on how people don't really know what they want to be designed at the start and how the come to realize that through prototypes,
24.  Starts the discussion of how we don't know the design tree that it must be discovered, and how complex the design tree actually.
25. Talks about how experience and simple estimators can play a big role in the design process
26. The discussion of a designer implementing something to a scenario and seeing whether he needs to react again to something hindering his vision for the design.
27.   Discussing how even the the goal may be known the design tree known, that the environment is ever changing  and more then likely the designer will have to be flexible to work around constraints
28.  Deals with changing constraints completely outside the Design space giving an example from his design of his house.
29. Floor plan of his house and how he bought a 5 foot strip of land from his neighbor to fix his constraint.
30. Critiques of rational model such as Natural model and Cross's opinion on the subject
31. Discussion on Royce's critique on the Waterfall model to show its flaws, and Schons critiques, but the Rational model still persists
32.  Discussion of Pahl and Beits standard for German mechanical engineering design, the Department of Defense waterfall model as a standard and Ken Wallaces opinion on Pahl and Beitz design process
33.  How many designers are right brain spatial thinkers and although the rational model can be good for beginners to start with so they don't wander in the process. It will not work as a real design method.
34.  Further discussing how the Rational model does not work realistically and then notes and references are listed.

Corporations all info for filing corporation http://www.tn.gov/sos/forms/fg-fp.pdf 
definition -A company or group of people authorized to act as a single entity (legally a person) and recognized as such in law.
Equity - A stock or any other security representing an ownership interest. (since dealing with corporations)

A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a business structure allowed by state statute. LLCs are popular because, similar to a corporation, owners have limited personal liability for the debts and actions of the LLC. Other features of LLCs are more like a partnership, providing management flexibility and the benefit of pass-through taxation. 


To create a corporation fill out this charter with one or more members http://www.tn.gov/sos/forms/ss-4417.pdf.  $100

The name must meet the requirements of this document TCA §48-14-101 such as having incorporated or corporation in the name is must be distinguishable from other names and so on. Also on the charter are the  items listed below.

The number of shares the corporation is authorized to issue; 

The street address and zip code of the corporation’s initial registered  office, the county in which the office is located, and the name of its initial registered agent at that office; 

 The name, street address and zip code of each incorporator; 

 The street address and zip code  of the principal office of the corporation; 

 Information required by TCA Title  48, chapter 16, concerning the authorized shares and classes of stock; and 

 A statement that the corporation is for-profit. 

Dissolving a corporation can be done 3 ways. costs $20

1.Voluntary dissolution - The corporation itself decides that it should cease to exist and voluntarily dissolves itself.  Thereafter the corporation must either revoke the dissolution or wind up its affairs, 
liquidate its assets, and terminate its corporate existence. 

2. Administrative dissolution or revocation  - The Division of Business Services determines that one or more of the reasons listed in TCA §48-24-201 exist for dissolution of the corporation, or the 22 corporation’s charter is revoked by  the Department of Revenue or Department of Employment Security  for failure to file applicable reports or to pay applicable  taxes and fees. Thereafter the corporation must either reinstate  its charter or wind up its affairs, liquidate its assets, and terminate its corporate existence. 

3. Judicial dissolution - A court of competent jurisdiction orders dissolution based on any of the grounds found in TCA §48-24-301 (and §48-101-624 for professional corporations) and directs the winding up of the corporation’s affairs and liquidation of its assets. 


For dissolution and termination: http://www.tn.gov/sos/forms/ss-4423.pdf

Total creation and dissolving of corporation $120

Starting and dissolving LLC filing guide http://www.tn.gov/sos/forms/fg-llc.pdf

1. An LLC name that satisfies the name requirements of TCA §48-249-106 (see page 8); 

2. The street address and zip code of the LLC’s initial registered office located in Tennessee, the county in which the office is located, and the name of its initial registered agent at that office; 

3. If one or more members will be personally liable for all of the debts, obligations and liabilities of the LLC, information required by TCA Section 48-249-114(f) setting forth the specific names of such 
members (the specifically identified members must also sign the articles); 15

4. A statement as to whether the LLC will be member-managed, manager-managed, or director-managed; 

5. If the LLC will have more than six (6) members at the date of filing, a statement as to the number of members at the date of the filing of the articles; 

6. If the existence of the LLC is to begin upon a future date or the happening of a specific event, a statement regarding the future date or description of the happening of the specific event (In no event can 
the future date or the actual occurrence of the specific event be more than ninety days from the filing of the articles of organization); 

7. The street address and zip code of the principal executive office of the LLC and the county in which the office is located; 

8. If the duration of the LLC is to be limited to a specific period of time or term of years, a statement indicating such limitation and the future date on which dissolution is to occur or the term of years; 

9. If the LLC, while being formed  under Tennessee law, is not to engage in business in Tennessee, a statement that the LLC is prohibited from engaging in business in Tennessee. 

Form to create LLC http://www.tn.gov/sos/forms/ss-4270.pdf $50 per existing member (min fee $300 max $3000) 

Dissolution of LLC
A domestic LLC is dissolved upon the first to occur of the following: 

1. Expiration of the LLC’s period of duration if fixed in the articles; 

2. The occurrence of an  event specified in the articles or operating 

3. Nonjudicial dissolution by members in accordance with Section 48-

4. Nonjudicial termination by organizers in accordance with Section 48-249-602; 

5. Judicial dissolution under Sections 48-249-616 or 48-249-617; 

6. Administrative dissolution by the Division of Business Services; or 

7. If no members remain, as set forth in Section 48-249-601(a)(7)5.
In addition, a domestic LLC can be dissolved by a merger in which the LLC is not 
the surviving entity and by administrative revocation by the Tennessee 
Department of Revenue.

Form for dissolution $20 http://www.tn.gov/sos/forms/ss-4246.pdf
Form for termination $20  http://www.tn.gov/sos/forms/ss-4245.pdf

Total creation and dissolution of LLC $320-$3020

Fundraising online
There are many different ways to raise money online the first ones I think of our setting up a website for whatever cause you are trying to fund and letting people make donations. You can also set up adspace on that website and generate money that way. You can sell items online via of course ebay, but also amazon. I had a buddy that made a youtube video and after so many hits people offered to buy  the rights to the  video, also if you have alot of hits on your youtube video you can get money from it. You could do online raffle tickets on your website also. You need to register with your state and potentially other states for your fundraising because you can potentially run into problems with your donors or the IRS.

I struggled trying to find a list of which fundraising websites did the best, so I am going to list who I think probably does very well.

To be honest I am not really sure how much I think I could raise in a week if referring to our project probably not that much since the parts we need Dr. Islam said we could probably get for free and to get our board made would be $30. I think our group can very easily come up with enough for our project, but if the cause was for something greater I think people would be far more apt to give.

The H.R. 2930 — Entrepreneur Access to Capital Act
Allows entrepreneurs to use crowd funding to start their businesses and let communities invest in their local businesses they may believe in. It creates a crowdfunding expemption from SEC regulations for firms raising $5 million, with individual investments limited to $10,000 or 10% of an investor's income whichever is less. It preempts blue sky laws and eliminates the application of the ban on general solicitation for issuers relying on the crowdfunding exemption. It also excludes crowdfunding investors from counting as shareholders for the purposes of calculating the 499-shareholder cap under 12(g) of the Securities Exchange Act

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

1st post

       I chose to become a Engineer, partially because my dad is a EE however, I wasn't sure which Engineering degree I wanted. After my first year and half I chose to be a EE after taking a mechanical class and looking more in depth at other degrees. I know EE's will always have a good job demand also.

I want to have a job after I graduate to achieve this I have been an intern at Emerson Process Management in Knoxville since May 2011. The employment rate for new grads is 56% .http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/19/business/economy/19grads.html

Average college debt is around $25,000.
Top employers hiring college grads according to Forbes 1. Verizon 2. Enterprise Rent a Car 3. Hewlett Packard.
In the class there is KL who is better at programming then I am and also good at planning. JF is very good at getting stuff to just work. AA is good at planning stuff out and committed to meeting up and working together. JM has professional experience and is all around good at getting whatever the job may be done. Design means to me is a plan to show the functionality of a solution  in detail to a specific problem. I just looked up the definition of design and used some of my own opinion also.

A few minutes were spent on this outside of class until videos were posted which took about hour and half.

Team     0-100
Dance with Your Hands!70
Pokemon Stadium 35065
Rhex Box95
Automatic Chess Player85
Sign Master 900090
FPS 36080
Universal Glove Controller90
High Speed Water Purification90
Street Solutions90
Energy Performance Ratings75
Electronic Pitch Trainer90
Stadium Express80
Urban Energy Consumers Solar75
Economic Network Model80
Sustainable Rainforest Solutions70
Spam Detection on Wiki85
Winds Up!88
Detection of pneumonia95
Intelligent Information Systems80
Laser Cutter95
NXT Line Follower80
ADC Lab70