Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April 4

Design of Design 19-20
231-Great designs come from great designers not from great processes, quotes from Paulk and Jobs
232-Discussion of which way is the best to create a revolutionary design.
233-He discusses why it is hard to come up with a truly great and innovative design in the corporate design process
234-Further continuation of how the corporate product process is a bad way to design for innovative designs, also using a personal experience of IBM system 360
235- Gives some exceptions to the corporate product process that have been successful , and discuss further the product process and the four effects following a truly innovative design
236- Discussion of follow-on products is continued and how the product process doesn't allow designers to get better.
237- Answer given to the question isn't process needed even for innovative design, and how to balance process to where you get the best of both worlds.
238- Further explanation of how to use process as a benefit by having a good leader to put their people in the correct position and to set up the right environment for good design.
239-Further continuation of how to bring out the best in designers, and to intrust your chief designer with your design
240-notes and references
242- John Cocke
243-chp 20-Where do great designers come from? quotes from Fuller and Gibbon
244- The reality of great designs now don't come from one single designer so we say the central people the designs revolve around and talks about how engineers should be taught by critiqued practice.
245-Brooks agrees with the idea that engineers should be able to have critiqued practice and explains why compared to formal education.
246- Discusses recruiting brilliant designer and how to create brilliant designers
247-Discussion of the dual ladder creating designers instead of managers, keeping designers up to date.
248- Education of designers continually is further discussed, he gives an IBM example, and explains how to bring up the young designers to be great.
249-Further talk of education throughout the career, then discussion of John Cocke story.
250-Further talk of Cocke and Gomory, and how to protect great designers from distraction meetings, calls, emails etc..
251- Talk of how to get rid of distractions such as quiet mornings to enhance flow, and protecting the great designer from mediocre or insecure managers.
252-Also, need to protect the designers from having to manage, and how to grow yourself as a designer.
253- Further how to grow yourself for great design by studying exemplars, doing sketches and studying others.
254- Self education project to design floor plan of 1000 ft  house, the program, and journal.
255-notes and references
256-notes and references

Monday, April 2, 2012

Design of Design
Chapter 17-18

203- Chapter 17 -  A Computer Scientist’s Dream for Designing Houses-Mind to Machine.
204- Brooks  suggests a computer interface for designing houses and buildings.
205- Designs start off with ideas not from scratch completely. ie top down design
206- Suggests there should be exemplars the user can start from to use the truthfulness mode method.
207-This method may affect the creativity how do you put thoughts into computer system.  Design can be thought of a noun and verb a rhythm.  
208- diagram of the structure of an imperative sentence; nouns:clicks::verbs:double clicks verb command.
209- Ideally we would like voice commands.  Compares the verbs in the cad program.
210- Objects should be specified by names which can be confusing if you have multiple one with same name.  One object can have different names, and it can be pointed to.
211- To draw a 3D drawing,start off with a 2D drawing, 3D can be complicated but you can imitate it with 2D
212-Text is used for specifications adverbs commands and verbs can be implemented trying to find a amount
213- Specifying the interior of a house is important.   The views can change depending eye height and other factors for 3D design. Walkthrough simulation
214- Allowing the user to walk through 3D in 2D views . All six views need to be seen.  
215- tooth pick viewpointer, a  joystick can help view the exterior of the house being designed.
216- Toothpick is discussed further also a rocking pendulum can give depth perception. 
217- notes and references.
218- A picture of a design workstation
219- Chapter 18 - A Computer Scientist’s Dream System for Designing Houses—Machine to Mind.
220- Concurrent windows, explaining need for 2 way channel for mind to machine. The d view should have an angle, work surface size, resolution, and viewing distance.
221- The display should be spatial.  It should be able to zoom in and out and create or manipulate some local portion explaining 2D context view
222- Virtual environment should be used for the 3D viewing and shows its functionality. Possibly and view pointers and discusses exterior views
223- Explains the workbook view has a picture of cutaway apt
224- There should be specifications for drawings that are stylistic.
225- Audio displays can be used to add depth, and help in design windows and doors.
226- Discussion of the dream system, the can question and how to implement it.
227- notes and references.


I like Mr. Zawacki because he is experienced, has a grad level education and finished in the top of his class in undergrad he seems well rounded also.

Ms, Corwin appears to be a PE, which is one reason I would like to hire her also I like her work experience with NASA and etc..

I would be willing to hire Jason because he has a phd I know he is willing to work hard and he hast a couple patents, I would not have to worry about him finishing whatever I may give him to accomplish as long as it is reasonable.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Wednesday March 28

An attempt to list all the wrong ways to use our device

1.Trying to tinker with the circuit in any attempt, may damage the device or cause bodily harm

2.Could have interference and cause not to function properly

3. Do not attempt to use without proper training.

4. NEVER try to implant the secondary side on your own.

5. May cause problems while flying.

6. Make sure you are within the suggested range for best results when powering.

7. In Much the same way cell phones may cause cancer, this device may also.

8. Do not attempt to charge batteries they may explode.

Warnings or Harmful images




Danger High-Voltage


Only poisonous if implanted and something starts infection or gets in your blood ,and as for the high voltage sign ,not really high voltage but I wanted to add more signs. Example the biohazard but only the obvious ones apply.

Exclusion of Liability

Eagleford Energy, Inc. shall not be liable for any claims, expenses, damages (including direct, indirect, special or consequential damages), and loss of profits, opportunities or information arising from:
  • the use of or reliance on information contained in this website;
  • any inaccuracy or omission in such information or failure to keep the information current;
  • use of any third party websites linked to this website;
  • any Internet software used in connection with this website or computer viruses or other destructive programs encountered as a result of using this website; and
  • any other matter connected with this website; even if Eagleford Energy, Inc. is made aware of the possibility of such claims, expenses, damages or losses.

Ok so its really hard to find disclaimers but the idea behind this could be applied that we are not liable for damage it may cause that we are unaware of.

A portion from a 
Disclaimer of inaccuracies 

Although the information found on this system has been produced and processed from sources believed to be reliable, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made regarding accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of any information. This disclaimer applies to both isolated and aggregate uses of information.

I tried to find specific disclaimers for certain things such as causing one harm, or a product not functioning properly, or reading inaccurate data, and failed. However, I realized most sites don't do a specific disclaimer for one scenario they clear their name mainly in one big disclaimer containing a wide variety of things such as harm, inaccuracies, warranties and such. I am sorry, I do not have more I hope the two above suffice.

CREATION of warnings and Disclaimers

Warning: Tampering with this device by taking apart or using it for any other method described in the guidebook could cause harm to oneself or others.

Warning:Using this device in any other way then described could cause the device to malfunction and/or permanently break.

Disclaimer of Liability: The makers of this product are in no way liable for any misuse,repair, or maintenance of the product in any way, shape or form. Also, the makers of this product are not liable for any harm, inaccuracies, or failures that may come from using this product.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

March 6

YOUTUBE-Designing light bulbs to fail sooner
Starts off with customer trying to fix a printer but it will cost triple instead of just buying a new one. Planned obsolescence is where products are designed to fail at a certain point so you have to buy more.
Shows the light bulb was in Livermore fire department has been burning since 1901, and when they discovered started paying attention to it. Through it a birthday party for the light bulb with 900 people. Begins where the bulb came from the ladies putting it together Adolf invented his filament to last long. Begins a discussion of the lightbulb conspiracy and what companies were in on it and how they divided up the areas to sell and how many hours the light bulbs were allowed to last. How patents for for light bulbs to last longer were not allowed. How members of cartel were fined if they lasted too long.

The idea of this cartel is still present. Now they are relating this back to the ink jet printer, and how it uses ink to clean the heads then once the sponge gets full it decides to quit working and is designed to fail. Goes through the idea of how all this began with individuals making something newer and newer all the time. London says we should have planned obsolescence where there would always be a market for new good thus always job. However, his idea was ignored. Now in 1950's marketing created planned obsolescence Stephens said the consumer would push for something new although it wasn't needed. Approach was to make a American unhappy with the older product. Students are taught to design for business for frequent purchases. Chemists invents ever lasting thread how everyone gets upset workers for fear of job.How designer would set a life span Dupont made nylon stockings that lasted too long. They tried to make them where they would fail sooner. How the engineers felt about making a inferior product. While ink jet printers are designed to fail at a certain point using a chip. How planned obsolescence didn't occur in Germany in Communists economy how the fridges lasted 25 years. 1981 German company created a life long light bulb, and took it to a fair to see if westerners would buy it.

Consumers start to fight back with the internet and how the first movie is about Apple got sued for having the battery in the ipod only last 18 months, and tried to make people buy new ipods. How the scraps all go to third world countries and pollute and it is terrible and causing trash. The russian website to fight ink jet printers is also available to fight back against planned obsolescence. Phillips 25 year LED is discussed. Nature is also discussed as to how it produces abundantly but also uses the waste to be efficient.

The current situation is terrible, I think planned obsolescence is bad but I see how it can produce economic growth. I think it is terrible that too much goes to waste. We live on a finite planet and we will run out of resources and places to put trash. However, planned obsolescence with people wanting to buy newer and newer stuff isn't bad, they need self-control, but if they are planned to die 18 months later I think that is wrong.

US first patent press release: #:X0000001


Had to go to http://patft.uspto.gov/netahtml/PTO/srchnum.htm search for X1and view image. One page long, Samuel Hopkins of Philadelphia  quote "discovered an Improvement, not known or used before, such Discovery, in the making of Pot ash and Pearl ash by a new Apparatus and Procefs"

Patent Application
Tiny size wireless power transfer


Monday, March 5, 2012


The Design of Design
184-Part of compendium chart Brooks used for house wing design
185-Representing Designs' Trajectories and Rationales quote from Wilkes
186-Introduction is about how he and his friend took his log from designing his new wing and documenting it.
187- Tells how to linearize knowledge and how it isn't really practical but uses a book as an example as to how to get it done, also showing the library's method and wikipedias'.
188-Brooks and his friend's attempt to create a design trajectory using a design tree, but failed. Then he dives into their process of studying the house design process.
189-Their experience finding the transcription scheme and why they struggled so much was because they didn't have a rigorous definition for their design tree
190- Discussion of each design node and how it is related to the others and sorting of different parts of design process.
191-Note of the house wing as design problems, and discussion of the errors encountered in designing the wing.
192- Discussion of design alternatives and how they are not easily realized, and how further discussion of how he changed the tree as the designs changed through the process.
193- Further discussion of how they changed the design tree as the design changed as the process continued, begins tree of decisions versus of designs.
194- Tree of designs is  larger, so large in fact it is not practical in design process, but the concept is important. Begins how modular design differs and are easily represented as design trees.
195- Discussion of software tools to analyze a design decision tree, Task architect.
196- Project Mang Tools PERT, IBIS fit very well and Compendium had lots of advantages.
197-Although compendium has advantages it cannot be recommended for design, and relates to CAD and gIBIS and how they are all too precise to have a creative flow.
198-Dred is discussed, brief history of why it was designed who designed it, and who uses it and how it works.
199- Finishes with further information of Dred and how it is useful, but is not available, Notes and Ref
200- Notes and Ref

Patent- US  7078666
LINK: http://www.google.com/patents?id=MGp6AAAAEBAJ&pg=PA10&dq=ti+wireless+power&hl=en&sa=X&ei=c_9UT4_FLYWItwfdjZmuDQ&ved=0CDIQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=ti%20wireless%20power&f=false

This is exactly what we are attempting to do transmit power wirelessly and data back. However, they are using a light as the power source with photodetectors to convert it to current and charge whatever they will try to power and send it back using the same principle  Issued Jul18, 2006. This is a pretty neat idea its fulfills the same goal as our project but by light is pretty cool we thought about doing that but felt more comfortable with inductance and that we would be able to more power across using inductors.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


The Design of Design
175- The Divorce of Design quote from Michael Cooley
176- Discussion as to what he means by the designer divorced from his design giving examples from many different fields.
177-Explains why there are divorces of design with two reasons, and gives some brief examples of what happens when there are divorces.
178- Discussion of the first remedy, use-scenario experience, whether it just be a simulation, and discussion of his experience with the remedy.
179- Another example of use-scenario, and discussion of Remedy 2 close interaction with users via incremental development and iterative delivery.
180- He gives his experience with remedy two on two different occasions, and begins discussion of remedy 3 concurrent engineering, implementers are a part of design process.
181-Remedy 4 Education of designers, the designer needs to have direct contact with the user not just reading or hearing about it and notes and references begin.
182- notes and references
183-left blank

Company: Emerson Process Management (Knoxville)
They create instrumentation to monitor vibration for large mechanical assets, motors, pumps etc.. To predict something that may go wrong so you can fix it before your asset is critically damaged. Located 835 Innovation dr. Knoxville TN. Begin in early 1980's employs 125-250, Knoxville location revenue I am not sure about I do however know their sales are above 100 million.

From Wally Lowry
Hardware engineer
He said we need to construct our input power circuit to drive our primary coil, and like to see measurements of the power transfer efficiency at different frequencies and different distances to find our optimum power transfer coils. Ultimately, wants to see more implementation, since our goal was to use the power transfer system for a implanted chip.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Feb 27 2012

Design of Design chp 13-14 
153- Exemplars in Design quote from Hillier and Penn
154- Discussion of common  designs and what makes an exemplar design
155- Exemplar designs in software and computer architecture are discussed
156- Discussion of study of past examples for software and Os's and how to study exemplars
157- He walks us through the study of exemplars and computer architecture at its beginnings.
158- He continues showing exemplars in computer design with IBM examples and third gen computers.
159- Further discussion of the computer revolution from all the technological advancements and how companies missed them being fat dumb and happy.
160- Discussion of how designers can push beyond their own experience using collections of exemplars and going beyond that collection.
161- Begins to relate the discussion of computer architecture just covered to software design.
162- Discussion of obstacles a designer will have to overcome, such as copying the design, or confining ones design, and to how a designer can utilize the other designer work.
163- He discusses how laziness, originality, and pride all play a role in design, and how they pertain to the designer.
164- Notes and ref
165- Notes and ref
166- The tacoma bridge after its collapse from harmonics
167- How expert designers go wrong, quotes from Cromwell and Guardia.
168- He discusses mistakes, how the amateur makes a lot the professional wouldn't but when the professional does mess up its in a big way.
169- He gives his example of how he messed up the the JCL for IBM OS 360, and what JCL was.
170- He further discusses JCL what was wrong with it and compared it to other languages.
171- Further discusses whats wrong with JCL no iteration, no branching, etc...
172- Then he explains how in designing JCL all these inherent flaws happened starting at the very beginning with the idea of how many cards the user will use, and it just grew from there.
173- How they just packed so many different things into JCL lead to its demise, and what they learned form this experience and what to take away from it are given in his "lessons learned"

New technologies on my copy that I added for our group and others

New way to make lithium batteries last longer and charge faster. Can be used for our group using a batter to power our device or any group using a battery if this technology can be scaled to the hybrid car or solar porta potty with a faster charge can help on days when its not sunny all day.

Same purpose as the one above except its a new fuel cell using hydrogen by apple.

Fultons new way to wirelessly power devices, could be something our group may be able to use.

New solar cell the porta potty group could use to make their panels more efficient.